Sunday, September 7, 2008

Home Business Success: Principles Of Making The Sale

Copyright © ARW Ventures LLC

Successful sales in Home Business or in any field equate to understanding the psychological principles that go into making a sale. Without an understanding of what makes people buy what they buy understand what they don’t want we can never hope to be more than a training seller. Here are some things to consider as you enter the sales profession. These lessons are not just about sales, however. They relate to everything we do as human beings. How we interact with others, how we can gain influence over people. It’s not magic tricks. It’s just simple psychology.

If we think about when we make a purchase, there are a few steps we go through in every transaction. First we have to want or desire something. We have to feel some need, or want for the item in question. Without this initial interest, we merely pass along, leaving an item on the shelf, or on the car lot, or in the hands of the salesperson. A person must have an initial interest to even consider making a sale to them. Of course, this interest can be generated, but it is better if there is a certain amount of motivation there from the beginning. Cold calling is one of the least successful business practices, and for good reason. Yes, a skilled cold caller can make a living simply through the law of averages. But a person with a desirable product, a person with a product that draws people in–at least a little–will find a much easier road.

After we experience that initial interest, we then make a decision to purchase the item in question. This is not a final decision, but rather a warm up decision, and it can change, depending on the price and commitment to the product. Yes, we feel this is something we want or need, but there are still some questions. At this point, we may look to our friends, family, or business associates to reassure us that the purchase is a wise one. We may choose to heed or disregard that advice, but it is important that we seek it. Depending on the investment cost of the purchase we may spend time researching to make sure the product is what we really want and truly does meet our needs.

Finally, after making the purchase, we want to feel some sort of reassurance afterwards. This is where many salesman falter. They don’t follow up if they don’t feel there is any further sales opportunity with the customer. This can leave the customer feeling alienated, and even as if they’ve been taken. In most states, there are laws that give the customer a certain window of time during which they can change their mind on a purchase. If you as the salesperson do not follow up with your customer, the chances are that much greater that they will back out, leaving all of that hard work you did to make the sale out in the yard to rust. Developing the relationship of interest in them and their success with the purchase can lead to many more sales for you!

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